Comply with underground storage tank (UST) system regulations

According to the EPA, an underground storage tank system (UST) is a tank or connected piping that is at least 10% underground. EPA UST regulations aim to prevent releases and leaks of hazardous material from underground storage tank systems. The laws typically apply to UST systems that store petroleum, yet other specific hazardous substances are covered.

Deciding whether to replace a fuel storage tank requires sophisticated, cost-benefit analysis. At the Institute for Environmental Assessment, Inc. (IEA), our consultants provide underground storage tank removal design and soil testing, management, and monitoring services to minimize the risk of spills during removal. IEA also provides assistance with required Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) coordination and tank closeout documentation.


Underground and aboveground tank consulting

IEA assists clients with the management of underground and aboveground storage tanks (UST & AST). Our tank removal design, soil testing, and removal support services closely prepare and monitor removals to help our clients comply with UST regulations.

  • Develop a written management plan and inventory of tanks
  • Monitor soil conditions during underground storage tank removal, including basin soil sampling for diesel range organics (DRO) or gasoline range organics and benzene/toluene/ethylbenzene/xylene (GRO/BTEX) or other site-specific requirements
  • Assist with limited site investigations or environmental studies conducted by a licensed contractor for areas found to have soil contamination
  • Assist with state-required documentation for tank registry and removal, such as  Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) documentation